Monday 30 July 2012

Elements from the Periodic Table which do not exhibit Magnetism.


a) For a material to be magnetic, it must have electron spin.

b) Electron spin gives the substance an Electronic Angular Momentum to interact with the magnetic field.

c) Thus if the electrons in an atom spins in the same direction,the atom will produce a magnetic field and will respond to the forces of a magnet.

d) But in most atoms,electrons occur in pairs and these paired electrons spin in opposite directions.

e) These opposite spins of electrons causes their magnetic fields to cancel each other, such that no net magnetic field is produced and this could be the reason why some elements do not exhibit magnetism.

f) However at a low temperature a substance may have one kind of magnetic properties whereas at a higher temperature it may have another type of magnetic behavior.

g) Thus the conclusion is that Magnetic Properties of a substance is a very complicated topic, and it is very difficult to assign some materials as being strictly magnetic and others to be strictly non-magnetic.

Elements from the Periodic Table which do not exhibit any type of Magnetism are :-

1) Fluorine
2) Potassium
3) Scandium
4) Vanadium
5) Rubidium
6) Yttrium
7) Niobium
8) Technetium
9) Iodine
10) Cesium
11) Lanthanum
12) Praseodymium
13) Promethium
14) Ytterbium
15) Lutetium
16) Hafnium
17) Tantalum
18) Rhenium
19) Polonium
20) Astatine
21) Radon
22) Francium
23) Radium
24) Actinium
25) Thorium
26) Protactinium
27) Uranium
28) Neptunium
29) Plutonium
30) Americium
31) Curium
32) Berkelium
33) Californium
34) Einsteinium
35) Fermium
36) Mendelevium
37) Nobelium
38) Lawrencium
39) Rutherfordium
40) Dubnium
41) Seaborgium
42) Bohrium
43) Hassium
44) Meitnerium
45) Darmstadtium
46) Roentgenium
47) Ununbium
48) Ununtrium
49) Ununquadium
50) Ununpentium
51) Ununhexium
52) Ununseptium
53) Ununoctium


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