Applied Mathematics - III
a) Nick Name by Student's :- M3 .
b) Short information of Subject :-
i) Theory Examination :- 100 Marks.
1) Question paper will comprise of 7 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
2) Total 5 questions need to be solved.
3) Question No.1 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus.
4) Remaining Questions will be randomly selected from all the Chapters and will be mixed in nature.
ii) Term Work :- 25 Marks.
The distribution of marks for the Term Work will be as follows :-
Attendance (Theory and Tutorial) : 05 marks.
Class Tutorials on entire syllabus : 10 marks.
Test (atleast 1) : 10 marks
iii) Total :- 125 Marks.
Maths-III is basically an easy subject as compared to Maths I and II. Infact it can be scoring if you study it regularly . Not only Maths-III but to excell in any Maths whether 1,2,3 or 4 Practise is the only key to success. The more you practise, more you can score. But taking it lightly can make you pay heavy for it.
As a whole it is an easy subject. Stay in touch with the subject which will help you reduce your burden at the end. A slight hardwork will help you out.
c) Best Book to refer :- G.V. Kumbhojkar.
d) Short view of Syllabus :-
It comprises of in all 6 chapters. They are:-
1) Laplace Transform
2) Inverse Laplace Transform
3) Laplace Transform and Matrices
4) Matrices
5) Complex Variable
6) Bessels Equation
Average weightage of chapters :- The marks distribution among the Chapters is very clear and equal. However, in every question paper a slight variation can be seen as in MUMBAI UNIVERSITY the Paper pattern changes every now and then .
1) Chapter 1: Laplace Transform and Chapter 2 : Inverse Laplace Transform both in combination have an average weightage of 35 marks. These are formula based chapters. You have to just apply the formula and get the answer,But these chapters needs more practise.
2) Chapter 3 : Laplace Transform and Matrices and Chapter 4 : Matrices both in combination have an average weightage of 35 marks . We are studying Matrices since from our 10th standard, every time we study Matrices it becomes more and more Advanced. Similarly here the basic is same, only few new concepts are introduced. It is an easy chapter and can help you score well.
3) Chapter 5 : Complex Variable have an average weightage of 35 marks. As the name suggests it is a slightly complicated chapter. But once you get the concepts it is very easy. Don't keep this chapter as an option because all sums in this topic are similar and everyone can atleast solve half sum .
4) Chapter 6 : Bessels Equation have an average weightage of 35 marks . This is the key Chapter to score in Maths 3. It is a very small topic and has very few types of sums. Be through with the concepts in this chapter and you can definately grab more and more marks from this chapter.
Every chapter will give you some marks. But it's up to you how you fill your pockets with more and more marks .
Best of Luck......!!!!!!