Saturday, 26 January 2013

What is a Refrigerant | Desired properties of a Refrigerant | Important Refrigerant.

What is a Refrigerant ? 1) A refrigerent is a substance that carries heat from the refrigerated space or body to the outside surrounding. 2) Therefore a refrigerent may be defined as any substance that absorbs heat either by expansion or vapourisation and rejects it through condensation. 3) In Mechanical refrigeration systems refrigerant is subjected to cyclic thermodynamic processes, so that it is forced to vapourise in the evaporator by absorbing heat from refrigerated space and it is forced to condense and convert into liquid in the...

Thursday, 24 January 2013

What are Ceramics | Their Classification | Structure | Properties

Ceramics The word "ceramics" is derived from an ancient Greek word "keramos", which refers to potter's clay and the objects made from it. What are ceramics ????  Defination :- 1) Ceramics are Inorganic, Non-Metallic compounds for which Interatomic Bonds may be either of the following two types :- a) Ionic, but with some Covalent character or b) Covalent in some cases. 2) Ceramics are prepared by heating inorganic , nonmetallic solids and then cooling them to retain the given shape. Classification of...