Saturday, 30 June 2012

What is Modern Periodic Table ?? It's Features, Characteristics and Classification of Elements in it.

Modern Periodic Table The Modern Periodic Table is a tabular display of all the chemical elements , arranged on the basis of their properties. Mendeleev's Periodic Table had only 63 elements whereas the Modern Periodic table have 109 elements. In 1913 Sir Henry Moseley,an English Physicist discovered that atomic number is the most fundamental property of an element and not it's atomic mass. This discovery changed the whole perspective...

Friday, 29 June 2012

What is an Element ? It's History, Classification and Various theories given by different Scientists to arrange the elements in the periodic table...!!

What is an Element ? It's History, Classification and Various theories given by different Scientists to arrange the elements in the Periodic Table. The study of Elements is really a very vast and fascinating topic. What is an Element ? An element is a substance that is entirely made up of one type of atoms. Everything around us whether living or non-living is made up of elements.Elements are distinguished on the basis of their atomic number , which is the number of protons in the nucleus of their atoms . Elements are classified as Metals...

Electrons Behaviour in an Atom. What are orbits, Orbitals, Shells, Sub-shells, Quantum state & Quantum Numbers ??

Electrons behaviour in an Atom. What are Orbits, Orbitals, Shells, Subshells, Quantum states & Quantum Numbers? Chemistry is mostly the study of electron interactions between atoms and molecules. Understanding the behavior of the electrons in an atom is an important part for understanding chemical reactions. We all know that Electrons are the negatively charged subatomic particles which revolve round the nucleus of an...

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

What is an Atom ? It's Structure, Components and Properties.

What is an Atom ? It's Structure, Components and Properties. To understand What is Atom ? First we need to know what is "Matter". Matter is anything that can be touched physically. Everything in the universe (except energy) is made of matter. An Atom is the smallest unit of Matter. Hence Everything in the universe is made of atoms. In relation to Physics & Chemistry An Atom is defined as the smallest unit of an element, having...