Sunday, 30 December 2012

Heart of any CHEMICAL Plant - it's Utilities

Plant Utilities 1) Any Chemical Plant requires raw materials in order to produce final products. 2) It also requires various other services called Utilities for smoothly carrying out the processes. 3) Utility is neither a reactant nor a product, But Utilities are required for maintaining adequate conditions of a manufacturing unit. 4) Utility area is an important area of a Chemical Plant. 5) This may house various Boilers, Large Compressors, Refrigeration systems, Air Conditioning systems, Water Treatment Plants, Cooling Towers etc. 6) Utilities...

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

CentriFugal Pump - Overview

CentriFugal Pump What is a Centrifugal Pump ? If Mechanical energy is converted into Pressure energy by means of a Centrifugal force acting on the fluid then this type of hydraulic machine is called as Centrifugal Pump. Construction & Various parts of the Centrifugal Pump :- A Centrifugal Pump essentially consists of the following main parts :- 1) Impeller :- It is the rotating part of the centrifugal pump which consists of a number of blades,either open or shrouded ,mounted on a shaft that projects...

Sedimentation or Dorn Effect

Sedimentation or Dorn Effect 1) We know that the dispersed phase remains suspended in Dispersion medium. 2) It is a two phase system and very stable. 3) But even though these colloidal dispersions are fairly stable, the particles slowly settle down under the influence of gravity when kept undisturbed for a longer period of time. 4) It is a very slow process and is just like falling of a spherical body in highly viscous medium. 5) While settling the heavy particles settle first at the bottom and the light particles at the top. 6)...

Electro-Osmosis - An Electro Kinetic Phenomenon

Electro-Osmosis Electroosmosis was first observed by a Russian scientist F.F. Reuss in 1809. 1) We know that a COLLOID is a substance which is microscopically dispersed (widely spread) evenly throughout another substance. 2) The Colloidal particles form Dispersed phase and the medium used for this is called as Dispersion medium. 3) Also we all know that Electrophoresis is a phenomenon in which the colloidal particles move under the...